Return on Investment & Evaluation
Standardized approach to program design and evaluation
Learn to demonstrate the relevance and value of your investments in people, programs, and projects through the application of the ROI Methodology.
Our services include:
- Performance Evaluation Project Management
- Coaching and supporting internal program evaluations
- Educational programs to enhance skills and capabilities
How It Works
The ROI calculation compares the net program benefits to the program costs. Intangible measures, those measures that cannot be easily and credibly converted to money but are connected to the program, are identified and captured. The evaluation ends with compiling a comprehensive report that provides the following data categories:
- The reaction to the project;
- The learning that was necessary to make the project successful;
- How the participants (users) have made the project successful with their actions;
- The impact of the project, connecting the project to important measures in the organization; and
- The financial ROI and intangibles linked to the project.
ROI is the perfect approach to forecast both the monetary and non-monetary value of capital and non-capital projects. This helps organizations validate the viability of initiatives without the guess work.
The ROI methodology is crucial in strategy development throughout healthcare. Forecasting the expected monetary value and social impact of the varying priorities throughout departments, helps healthcare providers prioritize initiatives in alignment with their strategic objectives.
From assigning a nightshift to increase production or investing in automation machinery to reduce human input, the ROI methodology helps forecast the 5 levels of business impact of each decision to ensure you see the optimal return for your investment.