Team Details

Miguel Zavonon

Food Safety & Quality Expert

With a career that extends over 13 years, where he has devoted 10 years specifically to the agri-food industry, he has acquired exceptional expertise as a specialist in ensuring compliance with food quality and safety systems. His extensive knowledge of global food standards, encompassing areas such as Quality, Safety, Legality, Authenticity, and meeting customer requirements on a worldwide scale, truly distinguishes him. Through his coaching experiences with various companies in Africa, Asia, and North America, he has honed his managerial skills, which are crucial for formulating and advancing international trade and investment policies for numerous enterprises. These distinguished professional holds lead auditor certifications and is acknowledged as an expert in multiple GFSI schemes.


  • Highly experienced in developing and implementing food safety policies and procedures to attain GFSI certification, with a primary focus on ensuring quality assurance and upholding food safety protocols.
  • Extensive background in training and educating staff members on proper practices to maintain quality and food safety standards.
  • Expert in identifying and addressing potential risks related to food safety, food defense, and food fraud in a proactive manner
  • Providing expert advice and guidance to food businesses and establishments, utilizing extensive experience in the field.
  • Formulating food safety standards and guidelines, leveraging vast industry knowledge and experience.
  • Conducting comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential food safety hazards, based on accumulated experience and expertise.
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in providing guidance on proper handling, storage, and transportation practices for food products.
  • Performing inspections, supplier audits, and 3rd party audits of food establishments to ensure strict compliance with food safety regulations.